Thursday, July 26, 2012

More scam job emails

I had some time now not received any work related scam emails. And yet here they are again trying to scam people. The email is as follows:

Hello Large American company which engaged in IT development and investment, looking for representatives in Europe to cooperate with international holdings and distribution of investment in IT. Since intercontinental bank transfers take a lot of time company needs staff to handle the funds of the company, it is assumed either part time or full time. Salary - 4000 EUR monthly for 3 - 4 working hours a day. However, your earnings may increase depending on the time you'll spend on quests, severity and loyalty to the company. If you are interested in the prospect of a possible employment is presented below the job description - Receive payments from our customers all over the world and treat them with banking schemes and cash transfers - When processing each payment you receive an immediate bonus of 5% of the payment amount - Maintain reporting and any necessary preparations to receive payments - Be confident in the accuracy of the correctness and delivering them on time. This position does not involve a change of residence, and you will be able to work in the city and even in my area and you do not need to move anywhere. This listing does not include fixed working hours and absolutely suitable for all sectors and age groups in our society. You do not need to invest or spend their money, all the costs come at the expense of the company. Requirements: 1. Elementary knowledge of the banking system and money transfer systems. 2. Ability to accept payments on your bank account at your bank. 3. Speed of processing tasks (send and receive payments) for a given system of money transfers. 4. Ability to check your email on the Internet at least once a day. It is forbidden: 1. Breach of confidentiality and corporate ethics of our customers. 2. Deliberate delay in payment processing (already immediately after the receipt of funds in the account, in most cases, the company requires the fulfillment of tasks on the same day when you received a bank transfer to the account). 3. The statement about the impossibility to process the payment after receiving it. If you breach any of the above paragraph will cease our cooperation. If you are interested in this proposal, we suggest that you go through a trial period. For this purpose send your information to us. These are: 1. Your full name 2. Your Age 3. Contact phone number with international format 4. Contact email address: Send the data to the email address of company,and before sending check address. (Do not click button to answer.) Sincerely Hr department

Because the amount of the emails they send is more that I am preapared to devote time to I can just add that the "" is an operating job scam 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Skype scammer requesting money

I should have a bit more patience with this skype scammer requesting money to visit me and be my woman!!! Had I been, I might had more information to share, but my patience has limits. "she" refused to accept and e-ticket (which would have been ok) and requested spending money on top of the ticket money she would prefer to receive via western union. And of course, receiving money via western union is every scammer's wet dream She also requested to know the f*cking exact time I was going to deposit the money to western union. I assume that was in order to be there to pick it up straight away.

 Skype name: carylon.gurl email: Western Union details


 The name Ella Carylon could be a mule's name to pick up the money and transfer them to the real scammer. As the use of mules seems to be common. one more scammer for the collection:

 Skype name: angela.greg4 email: Western Union details
RECEIVER'S NAMES: edith egbeta location : she said she is from alabama. fat chance... and yet another one!

 Name: Mercy Agordetor Country: Ghana City: Accra Zip code: 00233 Address : West Lagon Accra

more skype scamers...

skype name: veronica.smith6414

Receiver's Name: Veronica Smith
Receiver's Address: Street Address, 12 Leicester Square. City, London. Country, United Kingdom. Postal/Zip Code, WC2H 7LA

Skype name: sophia.billy

misan boyo
accra ghana
then question and answer...who is great? god

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

παράνομοι έρανοι

Όπως Είχα ξαναγράψει σε αυτό το μπλογκ, για παρόμοιο θέμα υπάρχουν διάφοροι επιτήδιοι που εκμεταλλεύονται τα φιλανθρωπικά αισθήματα του κόσμου. Διαστάσεις επιδημίας προσλαμβάνουν οι παράνομοι έρανοι που διενεργούν επιτήδειοι στην Κοζάνη και στην ευρύτερη περιοχή, κερδοσοπώντας σε βάρος αφελών πολιτών, οι οποίοι προσφέρουν τον οβολό τους για …φιλανθρωπικούς σκοπούς. Μία από τις πολλές που κυκλοφορούν στην περιοχή και διενεργούν εράνους, δήθεν για φιλανθρωπικά σωματεία, συνέλαβαν το απόγευμα της περασμένης Παρασκευής οι αστυνομικές αρχές στην Κοζάνη. Πρόκειται για μία 54χρονη ημεδαπή, η οποία πραγματοποιούσε έρανο χωρίς την απαραίτητη από το νόμο άδεια. Στην κατοχή της βρέθηκαν και κατασχέθηκαν: το χρηματικό ποσό των 35 ευρώ, διάφορα έγγραφα του συλλόγου «Η ΦΡΟΝΤΙΔΑ» και ένα μπλοκ αποδείξεων. Η συλληφθείσα οδηγήθηκε στον εισαγγελέα πλημμελειοδικών Κοζάνης.