Barrister Abdullah - Abdul from Malaysia

I felt the need to make a special section just for my Malaysian "friend" Abdullah who is having a great career in scamming and has been using the same kind "next of kin" scam for a loooooooong looooooooong time.
So this person has been trying very hard I must admit but that doesn't change the fact that he is simply put scum performing scams. Now I don't care what his poor sad story is. After all we all carry some story one way or another, but this person is amazing.

Over the past few years he has been using lots and lots of different names all of them with Abdullah or Abdul presenting himself as a barrister, representing some poor deceased guy who most of the times goes by the name of Michael SURNAME. In the surname you can put your own surname cause that way you surprisingly have the opportunity to become his next of kin and get 6.5 million dollars from the bank of the late Michael who of course has no other relatives and his money are now orphans.

image courtesy here

Now of course who would be sane to pass such an opportunity right?
Well greed is one of the seven deadly sins. And this man though he may not be Christian has sinned greatly.

here are some of the photos, certificates and ids
All fake of course.
Well Abdul, you will have to make a new one now for your next victim.

to be continued ...