Dear Beneficiary
We need to acknowledged your readiness and willingness to comply with the Legal demands and directives for the successful delivery of your Consignment ASAP, as your contact details you sent us have been confirmed perfectly correct with the delivery Paper documents with us backing your Parcel Consignment ( consignment two trunk boxes and an A.T.M card parcel bearing your details ) Delivery . Our Legal Policy demands that you have to obtain the Custom Duty Certificate Clearance before this delivery can be effected in your favor at your residence . Through our Diplomats Security Unit it have been confirmed that these trunk boxes deposited in your favor on your name contains stark of US$100 bills
( approximately $ 10 Million USA Dollars on an ATM MASTER CARD with the documents full intact ), and it has security placed on them so that nobody can steal the money since it have been already Insured before been deposited with us . Be informed that delivery will be made to your address within 48 hours on our confirmation that you have Obtained the Custom Duty Clearance Certificate from the Custom Clearance Agency through F.B.I Division where your parcel Originated as stated below whose duty is to make sure that all owed Foreign Citizens are directed on the right office to make any payment regarding the release of any of their funds/ Parcels to avoid been tampered or De-frauded with Strong Top Security .
Please reconfirm to us your cell/ phone number and current address where you want your consignment delivered to for verification ;
For more clarification please call +447024047767
Custom clearance Agency ( Division Contact ) legal unit contact for the Custom Duty Clearance before the release of your Consignment Delivery to you; Custom Agency contact : clearanceupdate@virginmedia.com
Contact Officer : Agent Gray John
Please Confirm this and get back to us ASAP as to treat your delivery transit very urgent so that your delivery can be made at your residence urgently , be reminded once again that your consignment parcel are ready for delivery . NOTE:
Find attached to this email message a scan copy of the Clearance Obligation form you are advised to fill and have it sent back to us via email as an agreement/ confirmation on compliance to follow legal demands for the successful delivery of your consignment parcel on or before 14th February 2011 .
Awaiting your positive response to this message is needed as a confirmation that you got our message .
Alex Rich Nugent
Virgin Atlantic Courier
Following scam email impersonating the airport authority.
A'S BORDERWashington Dulles International Airport (IAD)
Washington, DC, USA206-495-9173 Attention:
This is to inform you that a Diplomat (Male) by name Benjamin Donna from Virgin Atlantic United Kingdom , just arrived the Dulles international Airport at about 8:30AM DC LOCAL TIME with London (LGW) to Washington (DCA) Virgin Airlines. This Diplomat brought with him a Silver Consignment (trunk box) weighing about 75kg with a Parcel ( TRACK NUMBER # : A36542 ) that contains the Delivery Documents all on your name as the beneficiary ,well sealed and locked with a lock code which he claims he does not have the UNLOCK Number ,this consignments are labeled as family valuables/Personal effects , and has your address Contact as stated below labeled on it : Beneficiary Name :
We need your Phone number for easy communication and further clarification on this matter Be informed also that this Diplomat was about boarding a connecting flight to your residence as his final parcel delivery destination as stated on his delivery flight schedule but was stopped here in Dulles Airport by us the Airport Customs and will not allowed him to board any flight until we confirms that you are aware of this delivery to you, on your name and approve it by having your parcel consignment Tagged with a YELLOW TAG CLEARANCE (Clearance Bill Of Record ) which serves as an Immunity to verify and certify that we the Custom have confirm your parcel consignment legal and certify to pass through for Security purposes and for our Nation Interest . This decree was made effective after September 11th attack here in the States and it is our duty to Inspect any parcel or Consignment entering USA and have them tagged before is been allowed to cross to get to the beneficiary .We have demanded for the paperwork and purpose of delivery for this consignment into the United States, this Diplomat presented all the Complete Delivery papers of this Consignment with him on favor which we have confirm , he explained to us that they are family valuables reshipped and brought in by the Virgin Atlantic as stated on your Consignment ,after confirming the legal document/paper work certifying that they are family valuables , we further wish to inform you of the absence of a Clear Bill of Record Certificate, which must be provided, before we permit this Diplomat further access into the United States to complete the delivery to you .Be informed that the provision for the demanded Clear Bill of Record Certificate from us is the SOLE Responsibility of the Beneficiary whose name appears on the delivery papers as a confirmation that the Consignment in rightful yours and have being certify/ authorized by us , during Obtaining of this requested Clear Bill of Record Certificate which Must bear your name as the one that procured it directly before we can have your consignment approved and authorized on your favor for this diplomat to complete his delivery duty to you .We can not inspect the consignment because of the diplomatic Status and Diplomatic Id card, the Diplomat is possessing, certifying him as a Senior Diplomat. To this regard we advise you make provision of this Clearance Bill Of Record from our Clearance Office .Be reminded that this Diplomat have been here since Morning and have been trying to reach you to alert you on his present delivery status here in Airport Washington DC , so please respond urgently to this message if you are aware of this Diplomat Visit with your Parcel Consignment and if the Consignment is Truly yours .
Please get back to us by mail or call 206-495-9173 us to let us know if you are aware of this young diplomat visit to our country with your Consignment , after that let us know so that we can direct you on how to proceed with the Obtainment of this CLEARANCE BILL OF RECORD to allow this Diplomat proceed with his delivery to you .
You have our full assurance that once we confirm this CLEARANCE BILL OF RECORD PAYMENT from you we shall urgent have your consignment tagged clear for delivery by the Diplomat Benjamin Donna from the Virgin Atlantic
Your immediate response to this message is needed as to proceed ASAP .Sincerely,Custom Agent Domas Jefferson206-495-9173
Following email
A'S BORDER 206-495-9173
Attention :
The next step is for you to obtain the Requested CLEARANCE BILL OF RECORD as we demanded from our Clearance Office through the below contact detail before we can grant this Diplomat the Immunity to board a connecting flight to make his delivery to you . This decree was made effective after September 11th attack here in the States and it is our duty to Inspect any parcel or Consignment entering USA Soil and have them tagged before is been allowed to cross ., and do not hesitate to contact them and have the fees sent to them immediately,OR you can can further forward the fees, to the below information:
Contact Person; Frank Newton
Contact Email address : clearanceinquiries@one.co.il
You are to contact them urgently so that you will be directed on how to Obtain and make payment for the CLEARANCE BILL OF RECORD for your Consignment Release .
Get back to us when you want this done , so that information on how you are to go about this will be given to you .
You have our full assurance that once we confirm this CLEARANCE BILL OF RECORD PAYMENT from you we shall urgent have your consignment tagged clear for delivery by the Diplomat Benjamin Donna from the Virgin Atlantic
Your immediate response to this message is needed as to proceed ASAP .
Custom Agent Domas Jefferson 206-495-9173Attention : ;CONTACT OUR CLEARANCE OFFICE FOR THE APPROVAL
Following email (they want, what else? Money to proceed with the transaction!!!):
Attention :
Regarding your email to us in line with your Delivery record that was forwarded to us by Dulles Airport Custom Washington DC For the CLEARANCE BILL OF RECORD that cost $ 595 USD to us here at the California Clearance Office ,
Below is the information on how you are to send the Processing fee ($ 595 USD ) through Western Union this week as agreed with Jefferson Domas from Washington , please have the information as stated below on how to send the fee :
Receivers Name : PENNY MITCHELL
Amount to send : $ 595 USD
MTCN : ..............................
Sender's Name :.............................
Sender's Address : .................................
Secret Question : FROM
Answer :
You are to have the stated above needed information filled and the MTCN Number once you have this fee sent this week .
Note that the WU Payment Receipt for this CLEARANCE BILL OF RECORD Must bear you name , as it will be attached to other documents to grant the free access of your Consignment there in Dulles Airport Washington DC till your parcel Consignment gets to you at your residence :
NB : Make sure that you comply strictly as stated on this message and same time send the Full Payment Information to this email once you have the fee sent this week .
Your immediate response to this message is needed as a matter of Urgency to attain to this Diplomat with your consignment so that he can proceed on your parcel deliver ASAP .
Get back to us on the exact day you will be making this payment for proper documentation on our system on your favor.
Greg John
Clearance Office
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