Sunday, April 17, 2011

summary of scam emails

How are you,
Please reply to me
i have important
discussion to
discuss with

Dear Friend

Greetings to you and your family,iam Mr Ahmed Oouadrago the auditing and accounting section manager in AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK(A D B)ouagadougou burkina faso,for your kind attention.I will be very glad if you do assist me to relocate this sum of(US$39.5M)to your account for the benefit of our both families,this is genuine business,only i cannot operate it alone without using foreigner who will stand as a beneficiary to the money,that is why i decided to contact you in a good manner to assist me and also you will share the benefit together with me.By indicating, your interest,i will send you the full detail on how the business will be executed.please

keep this proposal as a top secret and delete it,if your not interested.Regards,

Mr Ahmed


The office of the POST CODE lottery Holland award division is pleased to inform you that you have been announced the seventh lucky winner of
it. Your company or personal email address was selected and attached to the winning number seven (7) with batch
number:SSL-89705, Lotto number: NNL-65812 and Winning number: NNS-43668.

Therefore, you have been approved for lump sums payout of 1,000,000.00 Euros (ONE MILLION EUROS) in cash and have been credited to Ref Payment
No: 89680MM.

This is from total prize money of 25 Million, Euros, shared among the Twenty Five (25) International lucky Winners all over the world by the
POST CODE lottery division with objectives to a global financial assistance to the lucky winners.

This prize was won through electronics e -mail selection, your e-mail id won the 7th position .

To claim your prize funds, you are to contact the Claims agent (Mr PATRICK ADAMS) of the Holland payment Division.
Below is our agents contact information
Contact Name: Mr PATRICK ADAMS
Contact Phone: +31685083128

You are required to forward your winning details via the above e-mail addresses. And your personal information to the above address for
verification, and further proceedings, with respect to the release of your won funds. Your personal information includes the following:

1) Full Name...............
2) Nationality.............
3) Age.....................
4) Contact Phone No........
5)Amount Won.............

As soon as you contact the Claims agent, he will advise you on what to do in order to get your prize money.

For security reasons, we advice all winners to keep this winning information confidential from the public,until your claims documents are
processed and your prize released to you.This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and
unwarranted taking advantage of this programme by non-participants or unofficial personnel
(Chief Co-coordinator).
Copyright © 2011 post code Internet Lottery Promotion. All Rights

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